Saturday, July 14, 2007

Still Alive

So as I was saying.....

Yeah, it's been 7 months.... Why? Well, I really have no excuse at all. None, whatsoever.

But I can give you REASONS, if you want them. Here's my list:

1. We've sold one house, moved, bought another, renovated it, and moved again. I am still unpacking.
2. I have a very energetic, excited 21-month old fairy baby. (See above photo.)
3. I get very little sleep.
4. It's hard to use my computer for anything but surfing and reading e-mails. (See #2.)
5. I have had nothing to say.
6. I have had too much to say.
7. The political landscape is depressing me beyond belief.
8. My husband hasn't written me any more poetry to post. (See #1.)
9. It's hard to read literature when you are a zombie. (See #3.)
10. I don't like coffee, tea has far to little caffeine, and sodas are horrible for you.

However, Her Royal Excitedness has inspired me to get on the ball. Butterfly is doing some really fun and funny things that I must record somewhere. And eventually I need to post about what's going on in our country and the world, as ridiculous as it is. There must be things we can do, right???

For now, I leave you with a fabulous quote I see at the end of every e-mail I get from my friend, Julie M:
"Suppose, then, you content yourself for the present with doing in a faithful, quiet, persistent way all the little, homely tasks that return with each returning day, each one as unto God..." --Elizabeth Prentiss


Helen Martin said...

Julie Darling!
You linked to my blog!

I am going to link to yours now that you're writing again.

That Elizabeth Prentiss quote is from one of my favorite books, "Stepping Heavenward"

Absolute must read

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie! You're a very clever writer, how fun! Thanks for singing today. Blessings, Rob Still