Friday, September 07, 2007

Conversations With Butterfly

Inspired by Her Royal Excitedness and her Conversations With Judah, here is the first installment of Conversations With Butterfly. These are some of the fun moments I can remember right now. There have been SO many more.

(Keep in mind that Butterfly is not quite two. She is rather loquacious, however, which is her first discernible resemblance to her mother.)

SETTING: Several months ago while Butterfly was tasting her toes.

Daddy: Are those toes good?
Butterfly: Yes
Daddy: What do they taste like?
Butterfly: Bananas

SETTING: In the car yesterday

Daddy: Butterfly, what are you eating?
Butterfly: Dinosaur (as she nibbles on her plastic toy)
Daddy: What does it taste like?
Butterfly: Bananas
Mommy: Do you want some bunny crackers?
Butterfly: No
Daddy: What do bunny crackers taste like?
Butterfly: Rabbits

SETTING: Shopping at Target last week

Mommy: Butterfly, we are looking for some skewers. I wonder where they are.
Mommy: Here they are! We found them!
Butterfly: Good job, Mommy!

SETTING: Missing Daddy who has gone to work.

Butterfly: Daddy here?
Mommy: No, Daddy is at work.
Butterfly: See Daddy?
Mommy: No, Daddy is at work.
Butterfly: Pretend Daddy?
(A while later)
Butterfly: Daddy here?
Mommy: No, Daddy is at work. Would you like to talk to him on the phone?
Butterfly: SEE Daddy.
Mommy: Let's call him.
Butterfly: Hello Daddy! (on the phone)
Daddy: (something)
Butterfly: Daddy working hard!
Daddy: I am so proud of you. You slept all night long last night.
Butterfly: Till the sun comes out!
(more conversation)
Butterfly: Bye-bye. See ya later.

SETTING: A friend brought Butterfly some toy dishes and food. They were going through the food, and Butterfly was telling her what everything was.

Valerie: What's this? (holding an egg)
Butterfly: Egg
Valerie: What's this? (holding a banana)
Butterfly: Banana
Valerie: What's this? (holding cucumber)
Butterfly: Pee-pee!

(She'd only seen a cucumber chopped up & never whole, but she HAD seen Daddy getting dressed! She'll be so embarrassed by that answer one day....haha!)

SETTING: Butterfly is still nursing during the day, but we have begun to do it less frequently, which is new to her. She has somehow picked up some negotiating techniques!

Butterfly: Nursey night-night (she says this even when she doesn't want to go to sleep)
Mommy: Not right now. We just nursed 5 minutes ago.
Butterfly: Nurse real fast?
Mommy: We can nurse later.
Butterfly: Nurse just a minute?
Mommy: Not right now, sweetie.
Butterfly: Pretend nurse? (Her last resort!)

SETTING: Butterfly got her Ibuprofen bottle & dropper off the table and was trying to open it.

Mommy: Butterfly, you can't open that. (Meaning both that it's impossible and you shouldn't be trying.)
Butterfly: Pretend, mommy. (accompanied by a look that said - no kidding - Gosh, mom, I'm not stupid! - just like a miniature teenager!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of whole cucumbers, don't forget the time at the beach that Butterfly noticed Jake's testicles and announced that Jake had a "dirty diaper." [For those unfamiliar with the family, Jake is a Toy Fox Terrier belonging to her paternal grandparents.] Butterfly was corrected by Man-Ya-Ya (Butterfly's current name for one of her grandmothers): "No, those are Jake's balls," thereby enriching Butterfly's already rapidly expanding vocabulary

Oldqueen44 said...

Yep she is going to kill you. Ha ha. what a cutie she is.

Lori said...

These are hilarious! As is "grandaddy's comment."